• Miramar: Art and Design Event

    Miramar Museum of Art and Design GOGO MOAD October 7, 2017 Family-friendly interactive art activities designed to teach, connect and engage the local community in a personal and informative way! Visit this link for more information   Miramar Park Apartments in Miramar, Florida 11000 Miramar Blvd Miramar, FL 33025 (954) 239-2755 miramarpark@lincolnapts.com Hours: Monday – […]

  • Apartments: Looking for deals in October?

    Where you live in a one, two or three bedroom apartment your probably to busy for some shopping, we have researched and found the best deals in October. October is a great time to replace those ratty gym shoes, book your holiday travel, refresh your cookware in advance of all those holiday parties you’ll be […]

  • How to Throw a Fabulous (Stress-Free) Brunch In Your Apartment

    Brought to us by The Yellow Table Happy Friday everyone! I don’t know about you, but one of my favorite things about the weekend is brunch. I love starting late in the day – noon or 1 is perfect – spending the afternoon hanging out, eating and drinking coffee or bubbly, and then still having […]

  • School Closures and Shelter Openings

    School Closures and Shelter Openings Hurricane Irma Resources The Florida Department of Education is in contact with school districts, state colleges and universities for updates and to determine needs before, during and after emergency events. All school districts, colleges and universities are monitoring Hurricane Irma and collaborating with local emergency preparedness officials to make decisions that […]

  • Update for our Apartment Residents

    Gov. Scott Issues Updates on Hurricane Irma Preparedness On September 5, 2017, in News Releases, by Staff TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Today, Governor Rick Scott received a full update on Hurricane Irma from the State Emergency Operations Center. Governor Scott has been in constant communication with state and local emergency management officials, law enforcement, school superintendents […]

  • Hurricane Guide

    This link will provide you things to consider during hurricane season. Tips to keep kids entertained in a storm Children add a whole new element to preparing for and riding out a storm. Here are some tips for keeping your youngest family members safe and entertained if a storm hits: Before the storm Let kids […]

  • Labor Day in the United States

      Celebrate Labor Day Labor Day is a day of rest or the last chance for many people to go on trips before the summer ends. For students, it is the last chance to organize parties before school starts again. In some neighborhoods, people organize fireworks displays, barbecues and public arts or sports events. The […]

  • High-End A Living Room Look on a Real Life Budget

    Choose cushiony seating with legs West Elm has great neutral upholstery. But most importantly, soft cushions add luxury to the space. And tall legs lift the bulk of the sofa off the floor, making the sofa appear visually lighter. This IKEA one also fits the bill, and is even more affordable. If you can’t afford […]

  • How To Help The Victims Of Hurricane Harvey

    The devastation from Hurricane Harvey continues to be felt throughout Texas, as heavy rains and catastrophic flooding are expecting to continue for days. Although the extent of the damage and death toll is not yet clear, the National Weather Service is already calling the storm “unprecedented.” Major highways are submerged in floodwaters, emergency services have […]