Few things look worse in a room than a tangle of unattractive cords in plain sight. And though most of us have to contend with computer wires, television cables, and electronic chargers on a regular basis, it can be a challenge to find stylish solutions for concealing them. Luckily, we have Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin to call on for help. The Nashville-based organizing specialists behind the Home Edit are expert at designing sleek, streamlined spaces, so we asked them to share how they like to cover up unsightly cable clutter. Read on for five design-savvy ways to stash your wires at work and home.


Catch them if you can

Before you worry about concealing your cords, ensure they are secure. Use a cable catch on your desktop or nightstand to prevent them from falling to the floor every time you unplug a device. “The struggle is so real, and this is a complete game changer,” says Shearer.


Keep it together

A cord wrap or dock is a chic—and easy—way to keep all your wires in one place. “Electronics such as printers, computers, or phones come with a lot of connected cords,” Teplin says. “Using a cord wrap or dock to organized them helps keep everything streamlined and less cluttered.”


Wind them up

“A cable reel is an ingenious tool that allows you to wind up your cords to conceal them, shorten them, and keep them untangled,” says Teplin. “We especially love using them for phone chargers because they keep your handbags and drawers from cord chaos.”


Make your mark

If they must be visible, Shearer says your assortment of cords and wires should at least be distinguishable. “Our motto is, if it’s not moving, label it! Adding labels to your power strip or individual cords helps you easily identify each item and prevents you from turning off your Wi-Fi when you just meant to unplug a lamp.”


Miramar Park Apartments in Miramar, Florida

11000 Miramar Blvd
Miramar, FL 33025
(954) 239-2755


Monday – Friday: 8:30 am – 5:30 pm
Saturday: 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday: 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm

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